Very excited for my trip to Grand Rapids Wednesday! Sarah Palin is starting her book tour and while I am not really excited for the book signing portion, I am excited for the chance to speak with her.  She is a great inspiration, and a true conservative.

What a long day in line, butit was worth it in the end. My day started at 2:30am arriving at the mall, there was already 200 people in front of me. Waited outside in below freezing temps until 5:30am which is when they allowed inside. It was nice to get warm. Surpisingly I was home by 8am. I mulled over my options for the afternoon. They were instructing people to come back no later than 3:30 in the afternoon to get back in line, though rumors spread quickly of people getting right back in line after getting their wristband. I didn't have the option. With two little ones at home that needed to be tended to after they woke up. I knew that people would be lined up much earlier than 3:30, so I decided on noon, a good balance between 8am and 3:30pm. I also decided to take my 4 month old daughter with me in the afternoon, hoping that she would be content for the 6 plus hours that we would be waiting. I packed, dressed and hit the road, stopping to pick up lunch on the way. I arrived back at the mall at a little before noon, and saw a steady stream in people heading in with chairs, blankets, and their books. I loaded up the stroller and everything that I thought I could use during the six hour stint. Following the maze of ropes I found my place in line in the exact spot that I was in that morning.  Streched out a blanket on the floor for Kaitlyn to play on, and my camping chair next to that and the stroller on the other side. On each side of me was two other ladies, one much older that she looked for being married for 50 years, a very nice lady that talked her husband into bringing her laptop down to play scrabble while she waited. On the otherside a women that was  

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