Upside down tomato planters - cheap and easy


This was super simple and much cheaper than the infomercial ones. Here are the directions:

1. 5 gallon bucket free of chemical residue

2. Cut out bottom circle. On the bottom of every bucket is a circle created from the mold about 2-3 inch diameter.

3. Cut half way through a sponge of your choice, I used a new one, but do not see why a used one wouldn't work. (Will have to try that next year)

4. Hang bucket upside down. I purchased a large "S" hook to use as a hanger.

5. Insert tomato plant into bucket with the root system inside the bucket, and sliding the stem into the cut of the sponge.  The sponge will hold the plant from falling through the hole, but also absorb water to keep roots moist at the base of the stem.

6. Fill bucket with dirt. I only filled the bucket 3/4 full, but could do more if desired.  

7. Water and fertilize as needed.


Bucket - $2.29

Sponge - $0.06

S-Hook - $0.89

Total - $3.24

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