Emergency preparedness to me is a necessity in order to sleep at night. If we get snowed in for a few days, I know that we won't starve or run out of diapers or toilet paper. If we have a flu pandemic that is serious, that we can stay home and not have to leave.  I personally feel that it is a mom's duty to make sure that her family would be taken care of in case of an emergency, whatever that emergency is depends on where you are. Here is Michigan, we are pretty safe from hurricanes, but tornadoes and blizzards are possible. Making sure that we have plans and supplies to get us through is part of my role as keeper of the home.

I still consider myself a new "prepper", as I am still in my beginning stages of building up supplies, though I also believe that it is a never ending process. As you prepare for one event, you build up longer supplies or a different emergency.


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